Design your Flat crystal photo
- 39,95 €*
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Our service: Photo-Background Removal

free of charge
Your photo has a disturbing background? Our designers will gladly remove the background for you for free. This way only the part of the photo you want engraved will be visible.
Remove background for freeYour photo floats inside the crystal pane

Through a special process your photo is engraved inside the glass. This creates an impressive effect: Your photo seems to float on the inside of the crystal pane.
- Material: hand-polished optical glass
- Size: available in two different sizes (see above)
- Note: photo is depicted in black and white
- Impressive effect: Your photo is engraved on the inside of the crystal pane which makes it look like it is floating inside.
- Luminous base: Is used with power supply and adds extra glow.
Luminous base with LEDs for a glowing photo

The luminous base illuminates your photo from below and helps to highlight the beauty of the engraving inside.
You can always separately order a luminous base here.
Thin, high quality crystal photo

The flat crystal photo is made from transparent optical glass.
The panes are only 8 mm (0.31 in) thick: The luminous base securely holds the flat crystal photo in place wherever you put it.
Our most popular flat crystal photo templates
Frequently asked questions about the flat crystal photo
Can I order the luminous base separately?
You can always separately order a luminous base here.
Is there a coloured version of the flat crystal photo?
No. The engraving process that is used to make the crystal pane only allows a depiction in black and white.
Is the flat crystal photo available in portrait format?
During the production process our employees decide whether your picture is better suited for portrait format. You cannot choose the portrait format yourself.
Does the luminous base work with batteries?
No, The luminous base has a USB plug.
Is the photo 3D?
No. The depiction of the photo in the crystal pane is 2D. If you are interested in a 3D-effect take a look at our 3D crystal photo.
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